My Ideal Job

The people who knows me, knows I love the animals. To be able to help dogs and cats, would be spectacular, then, to work as a veterinarian would be my ideal job. Nowadays, I am a student of veterinary medicine, I am taking the first step to fulfill my dream, and so to work with animals. I love specially the cats and when I watch them suffer, it makes me sad, so I have always thought to be a veterinarian.

First, I will work on some veterinary clinic, this will be spectacular, but my personal achievement is to have some day my own veterinary clinic, for every day to help puppies and kittens , heal them if they are injured or give them medicine if they are sick, and furthermore to teach their owners how they should care for your pets.

Other personal dream, to complement my ideal job, will be to work with horses, because since childhood I have liked the horses so much as the cats.

One of my favorites website is Facebook. I found this site because all my friends were talking about it, that was splendid and entertaining, so I decided to sign on the website, and to have contact with my friends.I check my facebook wall, at least once a day. Every time I turn on the notebook, the first thing I do is check my email and my facebook account to see if I find something new .

I like this great website because I can be in constant contact with my friends, I can read notes and coments from them to give my opinion , moreover have applications and games too much fun. Thanks to this well-known social website, I could find my old classmates, talk with them again and remember old times. In conclusion, I can say that facebook is a very good website to maintain communication with friends and family